Interested in Baptism?

In the United Methodist Church, we believe that God initiates a covenant with us that lasts a lifetime.  Whether this is a baby who will affirm that covenant for him/herself at another time, or an adult who is answering that call for the first time, God is faithful.  Baptism is one of the two sacraments in the United Methodist Church (the other being Holy Communion) and we take that very seriously.  Baptism is the beginning of a wonderful journey with Jesus and we joyfully do that together as a church.

If you are interested in baptism or having your child baptized, please fill out this interest form and we will contact you. You will be invited to join the pastors for one of our monthly baptism seminars. This will give the pastors an opportunity to talk about the sacrament of baptism, and give you the opportunities to connect with others seeking baptism.

Interested in Membership?

All are welcome to be a part of the church body and explore who we are before officially becoming 'members.'  At some point, however, it's helpful to make the decision to become 'all in' with the church – to make a commitment to fully be a part of a congregation who promises to walk alongside each of us in the Journey of faith.

Attend Lunch with the Pastors

Learn more about who we are and meet some new people by joining the pastors for a light lunch. This will give us a chance to get to know each other and ask any questions you might have. RSVP's are required so that we have enough food.

Attend an Ignition Connections Class

Ignition provides a great opportunity to learn more about Calvary and your spiritual gifts. At this class, you’ll meet other Calvary guests and will be given opportunities to get involved with study, service, worship and fellowship at the church.  Experience the love and care that Calvary provides when you make the decision to connect!

Attend a New Member Class

If you have attended Lunch with the Pastors, an Ignition Class, and are ready to take that next step to consider membership, we invite you to join us as we explore more deeply what it means to be a member of Calvary UMC. Childcare will be provided upon request. Attendance at this class doesn't commit you to membership, but you will be give all of the information you might need to make that decision.

To register for an upcoming class contact Amanda Nesby