Teach Us to Pray (Lightened by the Light - Week 4)


Below is a prayer from the UMC Discipleship Ministry page:

A Prayer Based on Micah 6:8

A 21st Century Worship Resource for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A

by Carolyn W. Dandridge, Discipleship Ministries

Give us, o Lord, an eye for injustice.
For it is only when are able to recognize injustice and feel its awful sting that we will be moved to make things right.

Give us, o Lord, a tender heart.
Sometimes we are too hard-hearted to recognize when we have been uncaring, unfeeling, or unkind.

Grant us, o Lord the ability to view life from the dust.
All our lives we have been taught to make others proud, to be proud of ourselves, to hold our heads high -- all the while missing the virtues of being poor in spirit.

Teach us dear Lord, to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with you. Amen.